I found the topics of Gratitude and Resilience really relevant to the current situation we all find ourselves in at the moment being in the middle of a pandemic (which is why I signed up for them!). I liked the mixture of theory and practical particularly the Gratitude workshops where the first workshop gave an overview of Gratitude and the 2nd workshop covered Gratitude Journalling and the Gratitude Journalling challenge gave the opportunity to put into practice and embed what we had learnt. The fact that actual research was referenced was really useful as it was good to know that the information was evidence-based. The presentation format worked well with the presenters (Ola and Aline) facilitating the group, encouraging participation and input from attendees which I liked as it’s always great to hear others’ experiences/input as well. They both came across as knowledgeable in what they were covering and really kept the workshop flowing and interesting. I feel it’s brilliant that these workshops are being put out there, I know I’ve benefitted hugely from them and have found both workshops I attended really helpful in equipping me and helping me implement a change in mindset which will not only be helpful for this period but navigating life in general.

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